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Volume One

Classic fairy tales for children (and adults!) including...

Jack and the Beanstalk 
The timeless tale of a poor boy who is scolded for trading his mother's prized cow for a bag of beans, but then sees those same beans grow into a sky-high beanstalk right beside his house!  Listen as Jack climbs up to a dangerous world and finds himself in the home of a horrible giant!

The Frog Prince 
A young princess promises to love a frog forever after it retrieves her favorite ball from a forest spring. The girl then runs home and believes she'll never have to see the frog again...until the little green creature shows up at her doorstep!          

Puss 'N Boots 

The youngest son of a poor miller inherits only a cat from his father's  estate, and fears living a life of poverty.   However, this was no ordinary cat!!

Running Time: 48 minutes


Retail Price: $15.00
Special Internet Price: $12.00

Also available as a "Cassette Blowout"
Retail Price: $10.00
50% off 'Blowout' Price): $5.00

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