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the magic of Old Time Radio?
Well, that magic has returned...with a futuristic sound!
Ziggurat Productions proudly presents an exciting new catalog of opportunities
to visit worlds and adventures far, far away with just your ears and
your mind!
Enter the universe of your imagination!
Please take a moment to browse Ziggurats library of dramatic audio
adventures, each performed and recorded for your listening pleasure
by Third Ear Radio Theater.
Ziggurat you will never find a story simply read lifelessly into a microphone.
Ziggurat productions feature
talented casts, original music, and rich sound effects on high-quality
CDs and cassettes packaged inside easy-to-store cases, each with imaginative
artwork and graphics. We at Ziggurat welcome you to our world
theather...the theater of the mind!
So relax, sit back between stereo speakers, and let Ziggurat open the
theater of your imagination!
Enjoy the adventures...
Remember, until worlds collide,
we have all the time in the world!!